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•   Beverly Smith (Metge)  9/29
•   David Dickinson  7/8
•   John Clemens  12/8
•   Richard Baltisberger  12/19
•   Marilyn Peterson (Bills)  10/7
•   Corinne (Corky) Allbee (Scott)  8/24
•   Marilyn Lokensgard (Martinson)  3/15
•   Norma Turner (Speer)  3/11
•   Robert Cooper  2/27
•   David Stover  7/19
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•   Darol Kaufmann  2024
•   A. J. Ream  2023
•   Beverly McFarland  2020
•   Sam Giarratano  2019
•   Mary Russie (Smith)  2020
•   James "Phil" Pattie  2022
•   Robert Wyant  2021
•   Ann Paglia (Barlow)  2018
•   Jack Farr  2018
•   Bill Shaffer  2018
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Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 48.8%

A:   41   Joined
B:   43   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Send in your grade school class pictures or old photos (especially group photos with your Classmates) that you wish to share with your classmates. 

Once you create a profile (by creating a password) you will be able to see the profiles of your fellow classmates and interact with them. Each profile has the picture of your classmate from the 1953 Post Script Year Book.

If you change your email address, or your regular mail address, or your phone number, please update this information in your profile. When we download a hard copy of the information we can then be confident that it is correct.

Please let us know if you are aware of a classmate that has died. If you can include an obituary, it will be included in the site. When only the date of death is known please include that information. Losing a Classmate is a sad event, but, we need to share this information with each other.

The home page has a MISSING CLASSMATES option, on the lower right side of the page, to advise a fellow classmate who has not joined our site to join with us. When you are aware of an email address of a missing student please send them an invitation to join the web site.

When you communicate with a classmate who does not have an email address (or computer); do not hesitate to advise them of They may wish to contact a friend or visit a local library, to use their computer, to join our web site. You do not need to be a computer junkie to enjoy our web community of friends. Our local library has several such users using their facilities. Please contact us if you are having any difficulty creating your profile, accessing your profile, or adding photos and videos, etc.