Marshalltown High School
Class Of 1953

Richard Baltisberger

Residing In: | Newark, OH USA |
Spouse/Partner: | deceased |
Occupation: | retired |
Children: | Jay Harvey, born 1967 Richard A, born 1969 |
Military Service: | 4th Infantry Band,Frankfurt Germany ![]() |

Served two years !954-56 with the Fourth Infantry Division Band in Frankfurt Germany.
Graduated 1963 with a PhD in Chemistry, U of Wisc.
Employed 1963-68 Monsanto Chemical Company
1968-1997 Professor of Chemistry, Univ. of N Dakota
Retired May 1997 and spent the next year rebuilding my basement after the Flood in Grand Forks, ND.
Moved to Newark Ohio in November 2001 in order to be near our Sons and their families (5 grandchildren). After moving to Newark, my wife and I have spent the past 12 years doing volunteer work. I started doing taxes with the AARP, gardening, and taking charge of the church building and grounds upkeep. With the advent of Parkinson's disease with my wife,Mary, we have become active in the local Parkinson Support Group. Mary's Parkinson problems have almost put her in a wheel chair. I am getting our bathroom setup for that possibility. We planned well because our son and his wife live only 2 miles away. Rick is a doctor and he is a great help with Mary.
Richard's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Nov 27, 2024 at 7:52 AM
Happy Birthday although I am a little late. It is now Thanksgiving and I look forward to a visit from my two sons and their wives. My health is still good and I look forward to getting into my 90s. I keep in shape by walking two miles each morning and working in my yard or garden if weather permits. During the day I am on the computer handling my investments and solving crossword exercises. I am convinced you have a shot at avoiding alzheimers by keeping active. My father and one brother died of the disease because they went
inactive in their old age. My oldest brother,Bill, made it to 95 and at the end he died from a fall in the kitchen and hit his head hard on a counter top. Bill was very active managing farms until the end. Balance seems to be the biggest issue with me and I use a walker outside when I walk in the morning, but I do the the garden and yard work without the walker. Rakes, hoes etc. serve to help me keep my balance
Happy birthday. I got yours card and i see there are fewer in our age bracket. I hope that you are well. Next year will be big 90 for both of us
Posted on: Oct 19, 2023 at 6:39 AM
I submitted "my Story" on the 70th Class reunion page. I looked at the My Story section, but I only found two listings, yours and mine. Are there any other My Stories out there? Yesterday was not good for me. Every morning I take a one mile walk with Nala, my sons female golden Lab. She went with on Wednesday morning walk OK, but around noon she refused to eat scrabbled eggs with me. A quick inspection showed some thing was wrong because she would not get up. Rick came over and decided to take her to the vet. Her body had several growths on her side and paws, but we knew she also had a large internal growth on her liver. That had broken open and she was bleeding internally. She began to get cold from the loss of blood. The Vet put her down at that point. Now I have go on walks alone.
I have looked at available dogs at the county rescue unit, everyone of them have mental problems. it seems that the ideal family pet never gets donated and all you get there are dogs with one problem after another. Nala was a wonderful dog that had no mental issues. I have resisted starting over getting a puppy, but i am not sure I want to go through all the training necessary or whether I can do it safely at my age.
Happy birthday Darol. Now we are both 85. It been a great life and my wife is still with me after 55 years.
Happy birthday Bob. I hope you are in good health.
Happy birthday Darol. Now we are both 84 and never thought I would live that long. I can't fish any more because my wife can not be moved to where we fish, but my son makes up for me. He caught a huge muskie last year. We are planning on depositing my ashes on our favorite reef at the lake of the woods, but that seems a long ways off yet. Have a good birthday.
Posted on: Nov 07, 2018 at 3:06 PM
Happy Birthday Paul. After all these years we still kicking. My wife has remained stable with regard to the Parkinson's disease. My only physical problem is I tore the upper tendon in my left arm catching Mary before she fell. luckily the lower tendon in my left arm is still connected, so I can move my arm up and down. The Doctor advised me to use only my right arm for lifting things now. I have hired care givers to come in six times a week from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and I use only a gait belt to pick up Mary with my right arm. it is hell to get old. Hope all goes well for you
Dick Baltisberger
I recall the 1953 Conference Track meet. Larry ran the 100 in 9.9 seconds. I was second in the team in the two mile relay. Dave Byers ran a 2:07 half mile as the the first leg and passed the baton to me. After those two performances, I had to do something a little better than normal. i went around the track once was got into second place behind someone from Ames. I thought for a while that I could equal Daves run, but about half way around the second lap I began to feel almost dead. It seemed like about four guys passed me before I got to the end. Some how I kept running and passed the baton off to PG Norris. I ran a 2:13 half which was my best time of the year. I pulled up in the MHS tent and laid there was about 20 minutes before I could get up and walk around
Posted on: Feb 17, 2018 at 8:11 AM
Happy birthday Darol. Now we are both 83. I made it today on the 17th of February. My brothers are both over 93 now, so I plan on being around for awhile.
Dick Baltisberger
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I get on the site every now and then to keep track of you all. I miss corresponding with Packy who left us this past year. Paul I am sorry to hear about Grace. Mary jean continues in her tenth year battle with Parkinson's. She can still use a walker to get around and our two sons live nearby so they are a great deal of help. Rick is a local doctor and will come immediately whenever I call for assistance. Jay lives in Berea Kentucky and visits once in awhile. Next year he is coming up for another sabbatical leave from the university and he plans to stay with us during the week while working with a professor at OSU. OSU football blew their chance at a run for the National Title with an upset loss to Iowa.
Happy Birthday Darol. I know your birthday is a few days away, but this is close enough. I hope your health is good, mine is. Thank god because I have to take full time care of my wife, who is almost in a wheel chair all the time. If anyone else reads this and has a parkinson problem, let me know I have been at the defense of the disease for eight years now.
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